Collision Repair News

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Mercedes-Benz Position Statement: Steering Components

The steering system on a vehicle could be considered one of the most important and necessary systems on a vehicle. After all, without steering the driver couldn’t control the vehicle. This makes it important to know what the OEM recommends when it comes to this system. Let’s take a look at what MBUSA has to say.

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Mercedes-Benz Postion Statement: Genuine Replacement Parts

Here at I-CAR we receive a lot of question about the use of aftermarket and recycled parts, when repairing a vehicle after a collision. We are not in the position to tell you what parts you can and cannot use. However, some OEMs publish position statements to give guidance as to what they do and do not permit when selecting which parts to use to restore the vehicle to its pre-collision state. Mercedes-Benz (MBUSA) has released an updated position statement to help answer these question. Let’s see what MBUSA has to say in their revised position statement.

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Updated: RTS Available Resources

Since its launch in July 2014, the I-CAR Repairability Technical Support (RTS) portal continues to be an ever-evolving source of features designed to aid all of those involved in the Collision Repair Industry. Here’s an updated breakdown of the features on the portal.

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Collision Information Website Access: Mercedes-Benz

Why do I need a subscription to an OEM website if I have full subscription access to the I-CAR Repairability Technical Support (RTS) portal? This is a question received on a regular basis through Ask I-CAR. Let’s take a look at why and how to purchase an OEM subscription.

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Repairer Driven News: OEM Glass Replacement Requirements

The role of the windshield is a lot more complex than simply allowing a view of the road ahead. It is considered a structural part of the vehicle as it contributes to the strength of the roof and A-pillars. The windshield helps to manage collision energy and has become an integral part of several advanced safety systems.

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Mercedes-Benz Glass Replacement Requirements

The role of the windshield is a lot more complex than simply allowing a view of the road ahead. It is considered a structural part of the vehicle as it contributes to the strength of the roof and A-pillars. The windshield helps to manage collision energy and has become an integral part of several advanced safety systems.

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Collision Information Website Access: Nissan/INFINITI

Why do I need a subscription to an OEM website if I have full subscription access to the I-CAR Repairability Technical Support (RTS) portal? This is a question received on a regular basis through Ask I-CAR. Let’s take a look at why and how to purchase an OEM subscription.

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Volvo Glass Replacement Requirements

The role of the windshield is a lot more complex than simply allowing a view of the road ahead. It is considered a structural part of the vehicle as it contributes to the strength of the roof and A-pillars. The windshield helps to manage collision energy and has become an integral part of several advanced safety systems.

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How To Use The OEM Calibration Requirements Search

The Repairability Technical Support (RTS) team compiles countless hours of research to bring the industry the OEM Calibration Requirements Search. This search tool enables you to find out what sensors and cameras 2016 and newer vehicles may be equipped with, and when these cameras/sensors require calibration. This easy-to-use feature is packed with information to help with the repair process prior to logging into the OEM service information. Let’s see how this tool works.

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Collision Information Website Access: Kia

Why do I need a subscription to an OEM website if I have full subscription access to the I-CAR Repairability Technical Support (RTS) portal? This is a question received on a regular basis through Ask I-CAR. Let’s take a look at why and how to purchase an OEM subscription.

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GM Glass Replacement Requirements

The role of the windshield is a lot more complex than simply allowing a view of the road ahead. It is considered a structural part of the vehicle as it contributes to the strength of the roof and A-pillars. The windshield helps to manage collision energy and has become an integral part of several advanced safety systems.

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