Collision Repair News

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Understanding Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)

A key part of being able to diagnose a problem with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) is understanding how the system works. Knowing what is happening inside the system will help you properly diagnose why the system may be failing. This will prevent replacing parts that are not causing the system issue. Let’s take a look at what we learned with this series of articles.

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Repairer Driven News: Refinishing Mazda Machine Gray (46G)

Most refinish technicians have had a color they just can’t get to match to the vehicle. The chip looks good, but the sprayout doesn’t come close enough for a blendable match. However, there are situations where you may have the wrong spray technique. Some of the new colors on everyday vehicles require a unique and complex spray technique. A recent article by Repairer Driven News (RDN) shows and explains PPG’s process for refinishing Mazda’s Machine Gray. Let’s take a look at some highlights from this article.

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When Mother Nature Changes the Repair

With winter months right around the corner, repair facilities need to be prepared for the inclement weather that is sure to come. Although ice and snow are great for the collision repair industry as far as bringing work in the door, it interferes with some aspects of the repair. Let’s take a look at how bad weather can impede the repair process.

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Body Construction And Material Repair Guidelines

What is the MPa of the front lower rail? What is outer uniside made of; steel, aluminum, or composite? Can heat be used to straighten or is it cold straightening only? What are the repair limitations? These are just some of the questions that the RTS team fields on a daily basis.

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Understanding The Lane Departure Warning/Lane Keep Assist Systems

A key part of being able to diagnose a problem with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) is understanding how the system works. Knowing what is happening inside the system will help you properly diagnose why the system may be failing. This will prevent replacing parts that are not causing the system issue. Let’s take a look at the inner workings of lane departure warning/lane keep assist (LDW/LKA) systems.

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Repairer Driven News: Preparing for Mixed Materials

With the growing demand for fuel efficiency, the use of mixed materials has and will continue to increase. A recent article by Repairer Driven News (RDN) titled, "Auto Body Shops Should Heed Mixed-Material, Welding Lessons from Automotive News Tesla Report," which talks about future material use and attachment. Let’s take a look at this article.

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One-Time-Use Parts And Fasteners: Toyota/Lexus

What is a one-time-use part, and how do you determine if a fastener, clip, or part can be reused? These are questions that we are confronted with in the collision industry quite a lot. The other big question is "Where do I find this information?"

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Waymo's Safety Report

There’s no doubt that in the future autonomous, or self-driving cars, will be seen rolling down the road. Full autonomy brings with it the better crash statistics and the freedom to become mobile for those who currently can’t drive. Waymo, a cutting-edge company for self-driving vehicles, has released a safety report. Let’s take a look at Waymo’s Safety Report.

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LORD Fusor’s Repair Adhesives Blog

LORD Fusor products have been serving the automotive industry for years. Did you know that Fusor also provides a blog featuring informational repair adhesive articles on their website? Let’s take a look at what these articles entail and where to find them.

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