Ford On Target 2024: Volume 2

Ford has released the second installment of their On Target publication for 2024.

Ford On Target 2024: Volume 2 features:

  • 2024 Ford Ranger sectioning information
  • Expanded collision repair course offering
  • Blue Cruise Active Drive Assist information
  • Ford Maverick exterior components construction material

Gerry Bonanni Ford Senior Damageability Engineer reminds technicians: “We allow the technician to decide the best place to cut on exterior components, based on their respective level and the specific type of damage on the vehicle. As long as you stay 50 millimeters away from the striker or hinge points, you can choose where to section, with the cutlines provided in the WSM acting as helpful suggestions.”

For additional Ford/Lincoln information, check out the following pages:
Ford OEM Information
Lincoln OEM Information

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