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Steel Spot And Plug Weld Nugget Size: GM - UPDATE

Did you know that some OEMs specify nugget size for spot and plug welds? This information is typically found within vehicle-specific repair procedures or can be found under general welding guidelines. Let’s see what General Motors (GM) has to say.

Spot Welding

GM does not indicate a specific spot weld nugget size in their collision repair information.

Spot welding information can be found in vehicle-specific repair procedures as well as the Resistance Spot Welded Full Panel Replacement document.

GM Spot Welding Requirement/Recommendation

Per the Resistance Spot Welded Full Panel Replacement document: "Squeeze type resistance spot welds equivalent to the factory spot welds are recommended. If access to use squeeze type resistance spot welds is not possible, MIG/MAG 8 mm (5/16 in) plug welds may be used to replace those specific welds."

Per the I-CAR General Motors (GM) Company Collision Repair Overview course that was developed in cooperation with the vehicle maker: "For GM’s new repair procedures, spot welding is not just preferred, it is mandatory where accessible and where directed in the service procedure."

Plug Welding

General Motors does not indicate a specific plug weld nugget size in their collision repair information.

Per the Resistance Spot Welded Full Panel Replacement document: "Note: Squeeze Type Resistance Spot Welds equivalent to the factory spot welds are recommended. If access to use Squeeze Type Resistance Spot Welds is not possible, MIG/MAG 8 mm (5/16 in) plug welds may be used to replace those specific welds."

Where the spot weld and plug weld nugget size was not identified, refer to the Steel Spot And Plug Weld Nugget Size: UPDATE article. This article provides general guidelines.

Follow OEM welding requirements, including what nugget size is required, to help ensure a complete, safe, and quality repair.

For additional GM information, check out the following pages:
Chevrolet OEM Information
GMC OEM Information
Buick OEM Information
Cadillac OEM Information

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