Collision Repair News

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What's A Volvo Rear Side Member?

When it comes to repair information, vehicle makers use a wide variety of terminology for replacement parts. All of the different names can be confusing, especially when repairing a variety of vehicle makes and models.

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Inside the Aluminum Revolution: Factors to Consider When Upgrading - SCRS Press Release

Originally appeared as a SCRS Press Release

Prosser, Washington, March 4, 2015 - Not since the introduction of the unibody vehicle has there been as revolutionary a topic to hit the collision repair industry as aluminum repair. With more and more cars and trucks equipped with this innovative material - as well as tools, products and equipment specifically designed for them - entering the market every day, the debate on how and with what to best perform proper aluminum repairs rages on. The Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) recently sat down with representatives from the equipment and tooling sides of the industry, as well as several collision repair facilities who have taken the plunge of upgrading, to get their perspectives on repair safety, the importance of accurate information and their personal experiences on the front lines of the aluminum revolution.

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Print That

Does this sound familiar? You're researching online and find the documentation, article, or procedure you were looking for and now all you need to do is print.

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