I-CAR Repairers Realm: Part Replacement at Factory Seams Considerations - Now Available

I-CAR had a discussion on considerations for replacing a part at a factory seam.

In September’s episode of Repairers Realm (https://info.i-car.com/repairers-realm), we discussed part replacement at factory seams with our group of subject matter experts from I-CAR. We explained when parts should be replaced at factory seams, and why. We discussed how the severity of damage, construction materials, and manufacturing methods affect part replacement decisions. We also explained how OEM requirements or repair limitations may influence your repair plan.

Questions answered in this episode include:

  • Why do I need to replace the part at the factory seam?
  • Why do I need to replace adjacent panels to replace this part?
  • Why is it so important to look up the OEM repair information?

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