Honda And Acura Released New Body Repair News: Approved Collision Repair Tools

Honda/Acura released Body Repair News bulletins for approved collision repair tools.

January 2015, Honda and Acura released the Body Repair News bulletins: Honda-Approved Collision Repair Tools and Acura-Approved Collision Repair Tools.

The bulletins state that: "The Honda Special Tools Group is pleased to announce that approved collision repair tools and equipment are now available to independent and dealer-owned collision repair shops through the Honda Tool and Equipment Program. This includes tools and equipment necessary for complete and safe body repairs on all steel panels and structural parts used in Honda vehicles, such as the ultra-high-strength 1,500 MPa boron steel used in many of our current and late model vehicles."

Both bulletins also show how to access the Tool and Equipment Program.

These bulletins are also available free of charge at:

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