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Did You Know Toyota Offers Collision Repair Training?

There's a new addition to the OEM Information pages for Toyota, Lexus, and Scion. An icon has been added linking you to a page on Toyota's website that allows technicians to take Toyota collision repair training.

Any collision repair technician currently employed by a dealer-owned collision repair facility is eligible to attend Toyota collision repair and refinish training.

Independent repair facilities are also able to attend, but there are a few requirements that must be met. An independent affiliate collision repair technician must be sponsored as a referral facility by a Toyota dealer, or sponsored as a Toyota wholesale parts account. A dealership that does not have a collision repair facility of its own often sponsors an independent affiliate.

All attendees must have a Toyota-issued Secure Personal Identification Number (SPIN). Toyota uses a SPIN instead of a social security number for tracking an individual’s training history. A SPIN is also required for viewing the pre-learning and e-learning modules.

Visit Toyota's Collision Repair & Refinish Training website for more information.

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