Corrosion Protection Guidelines: Rivian

A key factor in collision repair is making long-lasting repairs. When a vehicle is repaired, many areas of corrosion protection are disturbed. This creates corrosion hot spots that left untreated will lead to corrosion and potentially a repair failure. However, there are certain precautions that can be taken to safely and properly restore the corrosion protection, throughout the repair process. OEMs often give specifications on restoring corrosion protection. These specifications generally include seam sealer, adhesives, foam fillers, and cavity waxes. Let's take a look at what Rivian says.

Rivian provides a Collision Repair - Vehicle General Repair Guidelines document found in the vehicle-specific service manual under: Introduction ➤ Collision Repair ➤ Collision Repair - Vehicle Repair Guidelines. There are links, on the right side of the webpage, to areas inside the document for corrosion protection. To view, select Vehicle Repair Guidelines - Post Installation Requirements.

Rivian states information for corrosion protection applications including:

  • Epoxy Primer: "Repairs that involve welding, bonding, riveting, or exposing bare metal in any way, and are not coated in structural adhesive, require epoxy primer application."
  • Seam Sealer: "Seam sealer must only be applied to surfaces that have been treated with epoxy primer. All factory seam sealed locations and additional potential water ingress points must be sealed with sealant after repairs. This includes all permanent mechanical repair fasteners."
  • Cavity Wax: "Apply cavity wax with a 360-degree spray wand to all difficult to access areas...Cavity wax must be applied to replacement closure panels."
  • Structural Adhesives: Rivian provides location details within vehicle-specific procedures.

Rivian has recommendations for some corrosion protection products in the Approved Collision Repair Consumables document found in: Introduction ➤ Collision Repair ➤ Approved Collision Repair Consumables.

Always follow OEM repair procedures for all repairs. Failure to follow corrosion protection guidelines can lead to premature failure on a repair. Using proper corrosion protection ensures a complete, safe, and quality repair.

For additional Rolls-Royce information, check out the Rivian OEM Information page.

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