New Honda "Body Repair News" Publication

Figure 1 - This colored illustration shows the materials and strengths of steel used on the 2014 Acura MDX. (Photo courtesy of American Honda Motor Co, Inc.)

A new free publication from Honda features body repair information on their new models. The first two editions of Body Repair News are now available on Honda's Service Express website. The premier publication in the series focuses on new model body repair information for the 2014 Acura MDX and the second edition covers the 2013 Honda Accord. Subsequent Body Repair News editions will be created, or updated, for each new model and any minor model change where significant body design changes are made.

Body Repair News is more than just a token few pages of new model highlights. The premier issue is pages of technical information collision repair professionals need to know, everything from colored diagrams showing strengths of steel (see Figure 1), to structure applications, to structural foam locations, and repair guidelines. Body Repair News summarizes body and vehicle technology that may affect collision and other body repairs. It is not intended to replace the detailed information contained in the body repair and service manuals. Rather, it simply helps collision repair industry personnel understand why using the vehicle maker service information is so important to complete and safe repairs.

The 2014 Acura MDX has a front door ring reinforcement made of 1,500 MPa steel.

9252 Figure 2 - Demonstrates an ineffective weld. (Photo courtesy of American Honda Motor Co, Inc.)For 1,500 MPa on the Accord, where spot welding does not reach, Honda specifies MIG brazing and no GMA plug welds. In the publication, the restrictions for welding on the 1,500 MPa steel are not only spelled out in detail, there are photos of what can go wrong if welds are done on this steel (see Figure 2).

Several other welding precautions and guidelines are included. Also included are details on the passive restraints system on the vehicle, and electrical repair information, which shows how Honda wants repairs done on wiring pigtails and connectors.

Body Repair News is available on the opening page of the Service Express website. Click on "Industry Position Statements & Body Repair News", and then scroll down to Body Repair News. It is provided free of charge, along with the company's position statements and emergency response guides. Click below to preview the first two editions:

2014 MDX and 2017 Sport Hybrid Series: Model Body Repair Information
2013 Accord: Body Repair Information

This article first appeared in the August 16, 2013 edition of the I-CAR Advantage Online.

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