Back-To-Basics: Corrosion Protection Inspection During The Repair Process

Sometimes going back-to-basics can make the difference between a quality repair and a failed repair. When it comes to inspecting repairs for quality, there are many things to look for in order to avoid failures throughout the repair process.

A key aspect in any repair process is corrosion protection. Corrosion protection materials are removed in order to carry out repairs, and corrosion protection must be restored in order to complete the repairs. The repair process can cause corrosion hot spots, especially when welding, which can lead to failed repairs. This can be incredibly dangerous, as corrosion will weaken panels and the structural integrity of the vehicle.

It is extremely important to inspect areas for correct application of seam sealer, cavity wax, adhesives, and other corrosion protection materials to make sure those products are everywhere they are required. The body repair manual should always be referenced before, during, and after a repair to ensure the right corrosion protection is applied in the appropriate areas. If the wrong product is used or forgotten, this could also lead to repair failures due to corrosion.

There are many more items that should be inspected for quality during the repair process. Always follow OEM procedures to ensure a complete, safe, and quality repair.

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