I-CAR Just In Time: Cybertruck

Sometimes seeing is understanding, that’s why I-CAR's technical team created the Just in Time video series to guide you through a variety of collision repair topics from ADAS and EVs to repair tips and tricks. These videos enable you to, in less than 5 minutes, learn something new. Let’s check out what the team has added for the Tesla Cybertruck.

Watch Scott Kaboos, Principal, OEM Technical Lead, and SME, as he highlights safety considerations, stainless steel scratch removal, and belt molding removal and installation for the Tesla Cybertruck.

The scratch removal procedure is found in the Tesla Cybertruck collision repair manual under: Part Repairability Guidelines ➤ Exterior Stainless Steel Panel Refinishing. This area provides information for scratch removal, including repair criteria, recommended tools, and sanding discs.

For additional Tesla information, check out the Tesla OEM Information page.

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