Welding On A Hybrid Or Electric Vehicle

When you're working on a hybrid vehicle or and electric vehicle, what precautions should be taken before welding?

When welding on a hybrid vehicle or electric vehicle (EV), follow the same precautions with the 12-volt system as when welding on a conventional vehicle. In addition, there are precautions to take with the high-voltage battery. Remember to disconnect both the 12-volt battery and the high-voltage battery service disconnect. (Note: Always disable the high-voltage battery following the vehicle makers repair information and follow all safety precautions.)

Keep in mind that there is typically more than one method available for disabling the high-voltage system. The preferred disabling method for repair technicians would be to remove the hybrid battery service disconnect. Also, one way to ensure safety is to keep any removed fuses, relays, or service plugs in a secure area, such as a locked box, to prevent others from reinstalling them without your knowledge.

A tool that may be used to find the vehicle maker disable procedures for hybrid vehicles is the I-CAR developed OEM Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Disable Search.

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